Issuing Organization:
Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE)
Label purpose:
GreenKey is an international eco-label for tourism and hospitality facilities, including hotels, hostels, small accommodations, campsites, holiday parks, conference centers, restaurants, and attractions. It recognizes establishments that commit to reducing their environmental impact and improving sustainability practices. The program aims to contribute to the prevention of climate change by encouraging the tourism industry to adopt greener and more responsible operations.
Certification Criteria:
To qualify for GreenKey certification, facilities must meet stringent criteria across a range of areas, including water management, waste management, energy use, responsible sourcing, guest involvement, and preservation of local culture and nature. The criteria are designed to be achievable for tourism facilities seeking to improve their environmental performance and sustainability.
Geographical Coverage:
To qualify for GreenKey certification, facilities must meet stringent criteria across a range of areas, including water management, waste management, energy use, responsible sourcing, guest involvement, and preservation of local culture and nature. The criteria are designed to be achievable for tourism facilities seeking to improve their environmental performance and sustainability.
Target Industries/Segments:
The certification targets a broad spectrum of the tourism sector, from accommodation and dining establishments to leisure and business facilities, aiming to improve their sustainability practices.
Certification Process:
Facilities applying for GreenKey certification undergo a rigorous application and audit process, including a self-assessment, submission of evidence, and a third-party audit conducted by national GreenKey operators or external auditors. This process assesses the facility’s compliance with GreenKey’s sustainability criteria.
Certificate Validity:
The GreenKey certification is valid for one year, requiring annual renewal through a review process that ensures continuous compliance and encourages ongoing improvements in environmental performance and sustainability practices.
Benefits for Consumers/Producers:
For consumers, GreenKey offers reassurance that a facility operates according to environmentally friendly principles, making it easier for eco-conscious travelers to make sustainable choices. For facilities, the certification enhances reputation, demonstrates a commitment to sustainability, can lead to cost savings through efficient resource use, and potentially increases attractiveness to a growing market of environmentally aware guests.
Sustainability Impact:
GreenKey drives sustainability in the tourism industry by encouraging facilities to adopt environmentally responsible practices, reducing their overall environmental footprint. The certification supports broader environmental goals, such as energy and water conservation, waste reduction, and the promotion of local and sustainable businesses, contributing to the global effort to combat climate change and protect natural resources.