Safer Choice
Issuing Organization:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Label purpose:
The Safer Choice label identifies cleaning and other products formulated with ingredients that pose less harm to human health and the environment than conventional products. It aims to help consumers and businesses make informed decisions about the products they use daily, promoting the use of safer chemicals and sustainable practices.

Certification Criteria:

Products bearing the Safer Choice label must meet the EPA's Safer Choice Standard, which includes stringent human health and environmental criteria. The product's ingredients must be reviewed for potential health and environmental impacts. Products must also perform comparably to conventional products, ensuring that choosing safer products does not mean sacrificing quality.

Geographical Coverage:

Products bearing the Safer Choice label must meet the EPA's Safer Choice Standard, which includes stringent human health and environmental criteria. The product's ingredients must be reviewed for potential health and environmental impacts. Products must also perform comparably to conventional products, ensuring that choosing safer products does not mean sacrificing quality.

Target Industries/Segments:

The Safer Choice program applies to a wide range of consumer and institutional products, including all-purpose cleaners, laundry detergents, hand soaps, and more.

Certification Process:

Manufacturers interested in obtaining the Safer Choice label must submit a complete list of their product's ingredients for review by the EPA or a third-party profiler. The ingredients are assessed against the Safer Choice criteria, and the product must undergo performance testing if it falls within certain categories. Once approved, the product can carry the Safer Choice label.

Certificate Validity:

The partnership agreement for using the Safer Choice label is valid for three years, after which companies must reapply to continue participating in the program. This ensures that products continue to meet the stringent criteria the EPA sets.

Benefits for Consumers/Producers:

For consumers, the Safer Choice label provides confidence that a product is safer for their family, pets, and the environment while being effective. For producers, the label offers a competitive advantage by demonstrating a commitment to health and environmental stewardship, potentially leading to increased brand loyalty and market share.

Sustainability Impact:

The Safer Choice program encourages using safer chemicals and practices, reducing the risk of adverse health and environmental impacts. By promoting the formulation and use of products with safer ingredients, the program supports broader environmental sustainability goals, public health protection, and pollution prevention.